Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thinspo Day Four

 One thing I hate about being a woman is that time of the month where my weight goes haywire. I've lost for lbs last week and now that I'm closer to that time, my weight is slowly going back up. I've been really strict on what I eat, even on fast food. Last night we had pizza and I went on live strong to see how much I could eat.

I ate a little over like, 165 calories, because I love papa johns pizza. I knowing me, if I didn't look it up, I would've eating 3 slices and all the buffalo wings so I'm very proud of myself. Now only if it wasn't my time of the month. Now I'm going to have to weight till it's past to be able to weight myself again.

Day Four- Your greatest fears about weight loss.

My greatest fears about weight loss is not losing the weight. I've been through a time where I would try my hardest for a week or so and nothing comes off. Now that's scary. 


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