This page is dedicated to my goals in life. It doesn't matter whether the goal is long-term or short-term. A goal is a goal.
- Sell 100 things on eBay account
- Sell images on Shutterstock
- Get my Volkswagon Beetle Convertible
- Move to California
- Learn how to Crochet
- Learn Japanese
62 days thinspo challenge
Day 13- Are you losing weight in a healthy or unhealthy way?
Day 14- What’s your UGW? When you expect to reach it?
Day 15- Are you vegan or vegetarian? If so, has this helped you lose weight? If not, would you ever consider turning vegan or vegetarian?
Day 16- When did you first decide to lose weight?
Day 17- Do you have an eating disorder?
Day 18- What food is your weakness?
Day 19- When is the last time you ate fast food?
Day 20- Favorite diet?
Day 21- What are your clothing sizes?
Day 22- What was your lowest weight? How and why did you gain?
Day 23- Did the media play a role in your wanting to lose weight?
Day 24- How do you feel about the terms pro-ana/pro-mia
Day 25- Have you ever purged? If you have, describe your first experience.
Day 26- What excites you most about reaching your ugw?
Day 27- How do you deal with being around food?
Day 28- Do you want that “gap” between your legs? Why?
Day 29- Your definition of beauty.
Day 30-10 facts about you! And now, what are your stats?
Day 31-Ever been to a psychologist?
Day 32- Have you ever woken up crying, and why?
Day 33- Do you drink?
Day 34-Do you smoke?
Day 35- Are you the fat or thin one out of your friends?
Day 36- Are you Depressed?
Day 37-Do you take drugs?
Day 38- Does your weight affect your mood?
Day 39- Do you weight yourself daily?
Day 40- Have you ever gone through a whole day without food (fast)?
Day 41- Have you ever spit food out?
Day 42- HABITS: [] I keep my eating habits a secret
[] I look at thinspo
[] I collect thinspo
[] I count calories
[] I avoid food
[] I hate food
[] I love food
[] I purge if I think I ate too much
Day 43- I AM:
[] anorexic
[] bulimic
[] living off diet pills
[] hungry
[] thirsty
[] drinking something
[] Under 100lbs
[] fasting/starving myself
Day 44-PEOPLE:
[] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic/have an ED
[] have called me fat
[] have said I’m skinny
[] have said I’m ugly
[] have said I’m pretty
[] spread rumors about me
[] forced me to eat
Day 45- I WISH:
[] I were thin
[] I had a better body
[] I didn’t have to eat
[] I could control myself
[] I was under 88 lbs
[] I could avoid food
[] I could hide what I am
[] I wasn’t fat
[] I was pretty
[] I could stop being anorexic/bulimic/ednos
Day 46- I LOVE:
[] feeling hungry
[] seeing a difference when fasting
[] shaking
[] feeling airy
[] losing weight
[] being anorexic/bulimic/ednos
[] green tea
[] diet pills
[] being able to turn down food
[] feeling good about myself
[] I am shorter than 5’4
[] I think I’m ugly sometimes
[] I have self made scars
[ ] I have a tattoo
[] I wear glasses
[] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger
[] I have more than 2 piercings
[] I have piercings in places besides my ears
[] I have freckles
[] Cup size is (A) (B) (C)
[] I am pear shaped
[] I am petite
Day 48- Sexual Orientation?
Day 49- What are you really bad at?
Day 50- Describe your self esteem?
Day 51- Favorite Models?
Day 52- What do you find Physically attractive in the preferred sex?
Day 53- Food you eat the most of on your diet?
Day 54- Meanest thing someone said to you?
Day 55- An internal conflict you are having with yourself?
Day 56- Two of your insecurities?
Day 57- 4 things you physically love about yourself?
Day 58- Nicest thing someone has said to you?
Day 59- Are you content with yourself physically yet? If not, do you think you ever will be?
Day 60- Your biggest worry right now?
Day 61- Your relationship with your parents?
Day 62- Your stats now?
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