Day Eleven- Your favorite thinspo blog and why!
The only thinspo blog I know of is the Thinspirational Journey by Kyrstle Lane. I read her post everyday about how she's trying to live healthy and loose weight. When people comment on her blog, she automatically gets back them and I sent her a email about a question and she got back to me quickly. She suggest a lot of ways that people can lose weight. The thinspo challenge that I'm on came from her website.
I asked her a question before about how to deal with constipation. Here's what she said, maybe you guys can try it too.
"Constipation usually means that you are not in taking enough fiber in your system.
Eat more broccoli and drink lots and lots of water.
Try drinking 1 glass of warm lemon juice unsweetened in the morning.
Squeeze one Lemon into a mug and fill it warm water and then drink first thing in the morning.
Make sure you drink more than 7 glasses of water a day and don't eat too much processed food.
Try it for a week to 21 days."
So starting Monday, I will give this a try. If you've tried it before, comment and tell me how it worked for you.
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