Sunday, January 15, 2012


This weekend has been very relaxing and I was able to catch up to life. Work has been taking over my life, to the point where I couldn't take care of any errands at all. I was able to hangout with a friend and see another friend/client at her job at the Farmer's Market. The reason why I call her friend/client is because I'm creating a website for her company called Mystik Sisters.

She's a great person. I had no choice but to be a friend because if I didn't, I would regret it. I was about to go to her store to finally be able to take pictures to add to her website.

I found a new hobby today. I want to learn how to crochet. Sharri is learning knitting and that seems interesting but I wasn't THAT interested. But crocheting, one hook, a lot of yarn, sign me up! I've been watching Create Tv and they have this show called Knit and Crochet Today. The things they made looks great and can sell in stores for a high price. Anyway, when we visited Nitza, my friend/client, I saw that her neighbor's booth was hanging her mothers crocheting blankets. Her mother passed away and she wanted to sell the blankets that her mother made by hand. They were gorgeous!


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